Whatsapp Love Status

Whatsapp Love Status

!f ! Could g!ve U one thing in life, ! would g!ve U the ab!l!ty to C yourself through my eyes. Only then would U realize how spec!al U r 2 M.

My only cr!m was loved U & my pun!shment was the broken heart, U gave me when you walked out of ma l!fe

L!fe !s beaut!ful one day, one hour and one m!nute, w!ll not come aga!n !n your entire l!fe. Avo!d f!ghts, angr!ness and speak lovely to every person.

L!fe is very complicated. Don’t try to f!nd answers becoz when U find answers l!fe change the question.

U can replace me but U can’t replace the memories U had wid me.

There is nothing more erotic than a good conversation.

L!k!ng someone does not mean U have to be lovers, sometimes U just have to be fr!ends.

! Don’t need a perfect one, !  Just need someone who can make me feel that... “! am only one.”

A relationsh!p !s not a test so Y cheat ?


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