Several motivations might prompt someone to intrude on another’s
network. Although no text can list all the reasons why someone would decide to
steal or corrupt data, some common themes become evident when looking at the
motivations of previous intruders. To refine the discussion of intruder motivations,
it is first necessary to define some terms. An intruder refers to someone who
attempts to gain access to a network or computer system without authorization.
Intruders can be further classified as follows.
Phreakers are individuals who have extensive knowledge of
telephone networks and switching equipment. Their goal is to gain free access
to telephone net work so that they can make local and long distance calls.
Crackers use an advanced knowledge of networking and the
internet to compromise network security without proper authorization,
crackers are usually thought of as having a malicious intent.
Hackers investigate the integrity or security of a network or operating
system, usually relying on advanced programming techniques. Ethical hacker
(white hats) is a term that refers to security consultants or those with good
intentions; companies often hire ethical hackers to test currents defenses (and
thus perhaps expose weaknesses). Hackers with mixed priorities between good
and bad objectives are called grey hats, and hackers with malicious intent
are referred to as black hats.
Script kiddies
Script kiddies are novice hacker who relies heavily on
publicly available scripts to test the security of a network and scan for
vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
The dividing line between phreakers, crackers, hackers
and script kiddies is that phreakers, crackers, and hackers tend to be more
skilled and normally develop their own tool sets; script kiddies, on the
other hand, tend to be less skilled and use publicly available scripts. The
motivation for someone to attempt to access, alter, or disrupt a network
differs for each intruder.
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